My Blog List

Saturday, April 19, 2014


My A to Z Blog Challenge word for today is “QUESTION.” From the time that we could talk we question. One of our first questions is “Why?” Our parents heard that question so often that out of frustration they answered “Because I said so! That’s why!” or “Because I’m the Mommy, that’s why!”

As we grow older our question becomes more probing. We ask questions such as “How do birds fly?” or “Why do cats purr?” and the all time heart stopper “Where do babies come from?” As a typical male and father my answer was “Go ask your Mom!”

During the teenaged years the questions become more petulant. “Why can’t I stay out late?” or “Why can’t I go to the party? Everyone else is going?” They also give parents the third degree to justify their actions. “Did you ever drink alcohol before you were twenty-one?” “Did you ever smoke pot?” The worse...”Did you have sex before you were married?” UGH!!!

Adult years bring more substantial questions like “Why do I believe in God?” “Is the government really looking out for me?” “Will the Cubs ever win a World Series?”

Our senior years are fraught with questions like “Why did I do that when I was younger?” or “Why didn’t I do that when I was younger?” “Where are my glasses?” or “Where are my teeth?”

We ask questions all of our lives. The type of questions we ask are determined by our age at the time. We have different priorities at different times of our lives.

One more question, what do you think?


  1. I think we only stop asking questions upon death. I always ask to many, I'm sure.

    1. I don't think that it is possible to ask too many questions. That is how some of us learn. Thanks for visiting my Blog!

  2. I've learned that before I ask a question I ask myself, do I really want to know the answer? If not the silence is golden.

    1. I love you SWMBO! Good question to ask yourself before you ask!

  3. I think I think too much sometimes!

  4. Is that even possible. Seems to be we have too many people who don't think at all. Thanks for visiting my blog.
