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Wednesday, January 3, 2018


     Today is January 3rd already. This year is just zipping by. I know that for me, 2017 went by way too fast. I expect that 2018 will probably go by a bit faster. 
     I hope that you all had a magical and wonderful Christmas. My beloved SWMBO and I further wish that you all have a healthy and prosperous New Year. We pray that you all experience the best that God and life have to offer.
     Thank you Joyce for starting us off with another year of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Your efforts and dedication to these weekly essay questions is very much appreciated.
     Now, here is the first Wednesday Hodgepodge of the New Year.

1. It's that time of year again...time for Lake Superior University to present a list of words (or phrases) they'd like to see banished (for over-use, mis-use, or genera uselessness) in 2018. You can read more about the decision making process and word meaning here, but this year's top vote getters are-

unpack, dish (as in dish out the latest rumor), pre-owned, onboarding/offboarding, nothingburger, let that sink in, let me ask you this, impactful, Cofefe, drill down, fake news, hot water heater (hot water doesn't need to be heated), and gig economy

Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word not on the list you'd like to add?
     It seems to me that language is always evolving and that words are chosen and created to convey ideas. It is up to those trying to convey their ideas to choose or to make up the best words that most accurately conveys the idea that they are trying to express. 
     I do not have a problem with the words people use. I do, however, take exception to some of the notions that people use those words to convey.
     Here is a rhetorical question that occurs to me. Is it not the height of hubris for Lake Superior College to proclaim itself the gatekeeper of the English language by suggesting some words should not be used anymore, that they should be banished from the language?

2. What's something you need to get rid of in the new year?
     There are two things that come to mind that I should get rid of. The first is procrastination. I am enshrined in the Procrastinators Hall of Fame. I wish that it was not so.
     A second thing I need to get rid of is my lack of movement. I need to move more in this new year. I need to keep my body physically moving to stave off the law of entropy that effects us all.
     I'll try to keep you all posted on how I am doing throughout the year.

3. Where do you feel stuck?
     I feel stuck in my writing. I still have the desire to write but I seem to choose other pursuits instead. I hope to change that in this new year also.

4. January is National Soup Month. When did you last have a bowl of soup? Was it made from scratch or from a can? Your favorite canned soup? Your favorite soup to make from scratch on a cold winter's day?
     I love a nice hot soup on a cold winter's day. So far we have been experiencing a winter cold that we have not experienced in New Hampshire in many years. We have not had temperatures above freezing since the beginning of December. My wood pellet stove has been running 23 hours per day. (I need an hour to turn off the stove and let it cool so I can remove the ash.) 
     My favorite canned soup is a vegetable soup. My favorite homemade soup is some kind of meat with a hodgepodge of vegetables. A nice corn chowder goes down nice too at this time of year.

5. Tell us one thing you're looking forward to in 2018.
     I am looking forward to SWMBO and I making it to the New Year of 2019.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
     "Life is what happens when you're making other plans." or "Man plans and God laughs." These two quotes talk about the uncertainty of life. There are always unforeseen things that crop up and force you to make changes that you never anticipated that you would have to make. I suspect that the year 2018 will be no different. "Change" is the immutable constant of life.
     Fortunately for the Christian, change is nothing to be feared. God says 365 times in the Bible "Do not fear." When God repeats Himself that many times we ought to listen. 
     Therefore, as you navigate the inevitable changes that will surely come your way in the coming year, I commend you to the God of the Bible. He really cares for you. Happy New Year to all of you!


  1. You are right -- it's absolutely ridiculous for any entity to declare itself the gatekeeper of the English language, as you so eloquently put it. I had a similar thought myself.

    What you said about your writing -- that you still have the desire to write, but tend to choose other pursuits instead -- stuck a chord with me also. Just a thought, but I've found in my own life that when I avoid something (like writing) that I really want to do, letting other activities take precedence, it's often because I fear failing at the activity I'm putting off. Not saying that's the case with you, but it's something I've observed about myself.

    And yes, isn't it frigid here in the Granite State? We had 12 below this morning.

  2. "Life is what happens when you're making other plans" should be the title of my just keeps sending down new paths. Good thing I love a new adventure!
    Happy New Year,
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  3. I'm feeling the same about my writing, and also hoping to remedy that in this new year. Stay warm and cozy up north. The south is experiencing frigid temps at the moment and there's even snow in Charleston. None here at the lake, but it's for certain soup weather. Happy New Year!

  4. Excellent and very thoughtful answer to #1. I always enjoy reading your Hodgepodge posts. Wishing you and your dear wife a healthy new year full of blessings.

  5. I believe I'm right up there with you on procrastination! I find it amazing what I don't get done since I stopped working years ago. It frustrates me. This year I am determined to get things done. Like your answer for #5, making to the next year would be awesome. I love your random. Happy New Year!
