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Wednesday, November 8, 2017


     Good day to everyone on this beautiful Fall Wednesday. Last night I started our pellet stove for the first time since the Spring. The 2017/2018 heating  season has officially begun. My beloved SWMBO was very happy to wake up to a nice and toasty warm house. 
     Our Hodgepodge Mistress has once again supplied us with a series of probing questions. Thank you Joyce for the Wednesday Hodgepodge. 
     If you have not participated in the Wednesday Hodgepodge, I urge you to do so. Here is this week's edition...

1.  In a rut, in a jam, in the groove, out of synch, off balance, out of touch...which saying best fits some area of your life currently (or recently)? Explain.
     All of these apply to some aspect of my life. I suspect that I am not alone in this regard. Furthermore, from day to day aspects of my life may change from one status to another status on the list. 

2. What is it about somebody else's style of work (coworker/employee/shared volunteer project/household chore) that makes you crazy? Why?
     My beloved SWMBO and I cannot work together on most tasks. I absolutely love my wife without qualification or exception. That being said, my wife is Type "A" and I, to be kind, am less organized. Also, she has a way of doing things and I have different ways of doing those same things. Our ways of doing them often conflict with each other and lead to, shall we say, less than loving interactions.  Therefore we divide tasks according to our particular strengths. 

3. What's a tradition that always makes you feel at home?
     When I make the first batch of my meat stuffing is a tradition that SWMBO and I look forward to every November. It is my maternal grandmother's recipe and it is delicious.

4. A favorite song with a girl's name in the title or lyrics? Any reason why this is a particular favorite?
     There are two songs from my youth..."And Along Comes Mary" by the Association and "Help Me Rhonda" by the Beach Boys. These songs evoke some very pleasant memories.
5. Share a favorite quote, verse, or saying relating to gratitude or thanksgiving.
     "Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." Epicurus

6. Insert your own random thought here.
     This has been another week of heart break. A church filled with God fearing people in worship were mercilessly mowed down by gun fire. Twenty six people are dead. Many more are injured. Once again the killer, in a final act of cowardice, took his own life.
     Is nothing sacred anymore? Have we come to the point when we can no longer worship God in peace and safety? Do churches now need to have armed personnel on site to protect the congregation? 
     I find it curious that these cowards don't commit their outrageous acts at a meeting of outlaw bikers or organized crime. No, these cowards prey on the weak and defenseless. 
     As a christian I am conflicted! As a man I am outraged and angry! I pray for the members of that little church in Texas. I pray for the families of those who were killed. I pray for the injured and the families of the injured. I pray for all who were traumatized by this heinous and cowardly act. I pray for America! 


  1. What a hard few weeks it has been. I too pray for the families of those lost and for America. Much has been made of prayer in the media, but I think for those of us who've experienced the power of prayer we know it is the best thing we can do in times such as these.

  2. Yes, prayers for all those mentioned and prayers for America. Saddened and sickened by the horror we see more and more of.

  3. Us too, Mark and I have trouble working on projects together or cooking in the kitchen! Enjoy your meat stuffing. Those are two good song choices. I like your quote. My prayers are with the family and friends of those who will killed in Texas. When I think about the one family who lost seven members it just breaks my heart.

  4. I so agree with your random thought. Very, very sad. The only positive I can see is that those who died are now with their Lord. That, and that God is in complete control and may yet use this horrific circumstance in some way for good.

    I saw one political cartoon that depicted Uncle Sam weeping. And no wonder. This type of behavior is not what America is all about.
