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Wednesday, May 16, 2018


     Greetings from the Granite State on this magnificent Wednesday. I hope that all is well in your world. Things are beginning to turn around in my world. We just completed a major undertaking which will be further explained in my Random Thought below.
     Since it is Wednesday and since Joyce has gone to the trouble to come up with another set of probing questions, we might as well answer them. Please join in on the fun. You will not be disappointed. And now...(Inner drums roll here)...the Hodgepodge.

1. What would you say is your biggest day to day challenge?
     The biggest challenge for me day to day is getting out of bed early in the morning. There are two reasons why. One is that I am not an early riser. My circadian rhythm makes me sharpest at late afternoon through late evening. The second reason is my knees make me walk like the tin man from the Wizard of Oz before they used the oil can on him. Eventually they kind of self lubricate and I can walk fairly pain free. 

2. May 16th is National Biographers Day. What's a biography you really enjoyed reading? Is this a genre you read regularly?
     One biography that I really enjoyed was "Bonhoeffer" by Eric Metaxas. It is the life of one of Christianity's greatest apologist, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He was a Lutheran minister who lived during the rise of Nazi Germany. He opposed the Third Reich which cost him his life just weeks before the Nazis surrendered to the allies. It is a great read and I highly recommend it to you.

3. How important is keeping a clean house? Do you need to de-clutter your life?
     Keeping a clean house is more important to my beloved SWMBO than it is to me. To be honest, I do need to de-clutter my life...beginning with my office. Actually I need to continue in my office. I did begin to de-clutter a couple of months ago and I found a desk in there which is now usable again. I seem to recall that there is a second desk in my office. I need to find that one too...but I'm in no hurry.

4. You're the 8th dwarf. What's your name?
     My dwarf name would be "Joker." I do have a nice sense of humor.

5. What's surprised you the most about your life or life in general?
     I have been surprised by a number of things. One of them is I never thought that I would have a devout relationship with God. Growing up I thought that I would have been playing for the other team. However, by His grace I have come to know Him and love Him. 
     Another thing that surprises me is that I have a love filled marriage that poets write love poems about and that songwriters write love songs about. I did not know it then but I know it now that I hit the lottery when SWMBO said yes and married me. We will be celebrating 46 years of wedded bliss this July.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
     SWMBO and I have been blessed to be able to have bought two houses in our lifetime. We bought the house that SWMBO and I now share way back in May of 2000.
     We recently decided to refinance our mortgage so that we could access some of the equity and offload some debt and change from a variable interest rate to a fixed interest rate mortgage. 
     Going through the mortgage process is a long and tedious process. There is mounds of repetitive paperwork. When you think that you have everything to complete the process there always seems to be one more thing to get or do. It's always just one more thing.
     Well, I am happy to report that SWMBO and I closed on the refinance loan this afternoon. I think, I hope, that this is probably the last time we will have to go through this. Hallelujah!


  1. Congratulations on getting that accomplished! I know it must feel good. I'm in my office now. Desperately needs a de-clutter but is always relegated to the bottom of my to-do list because I'm mostly the only one in here. I really need a day to purge files-ugh. It won't be today-ha! Happy Wednesday!

  2. Congrats on getting the refinance accomplished! I used to rise at 5:00 a.m. every morning. Now that I am retired, I sleep in until 7:30 or 8:00 and love being lazy in the morning. My knees are the opposite of yours, feeling pretty good in the morning and getting worse as the day goes on. I enjoyed your HP answers!! Have a good Wednesday and rest of the week!

  3. I would love to see your other desk as well. It was in there when last I was in there. Can you believe 46 years for us! Love you SWMBO

  4. I like your dwarf name. I love your loved filled marriage. What a blessing. Glad you got your refinancing done. Enjoy your day!

  5. I think you may be right about being depressed. Actually I have a doctor who wants me to take Cymbalta for arthritis pain. Cymbalta is also used for depression and anxiety. It may be a win, win!

  6. I am not an early riser either. When I was much younger, and first married my husband of 30 years, I lived on his farm in Lyndeborough, Nh. Getting up early with the animals wasn't so hard. We no longer have a farm and have moved north close to Winnipesaukee, but still have 4 dogs that like to get up at the crack of dawn. Since my husband is a heavy sleeper, I'm elected to get up! Ugh!
    I too need to spend time in our office. I actually got a lot done, but then I noticed this thick layer of dust! Ugh! Where did that come from?
    Have a great day!
