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Wednesday, March 28, 2018


     Good morning fellow bloggers and blog followers. I hope that you are all well on this Spring day. Thank you, Joyce Daley,  for another set of probing questions. 
     The Major League Baseball Season begins in earnest tomorrow. My beloved Red Sox had a very good Spring training and are ready to go. Traditionally, Red Sox fan are optimistic but history has shown us that optimism, AKA hope, often gets dashed on the rocks of reality. All the same....GO SOX!
     Since Joyce has gone to the trouble of posing a few questions, I might as well answer them. Here is this weeks Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. What's a word that describes your life? A word you wish described your life?
     Anxious is a word that is a pretty close description. I wish the word that described my life was "Relaxed." Perhaps, Lord willing, things will begin trading towards becoming relaxed.

2. Back in my day we___________________________________?
     ...actually had to get up to change the television channel and we only had three channels to choose from AND all three channels signed off the air at midnight and came back on the air at six in the morning.

3. When it comes to takeout are you more likely to opt for Italian, Mexican, or Chinese food? Does a typical week at your house include takeout?
     Our takeout usually consists of either pizza or Chinese food.

4. Think about the people you most respect. What is it about them that earned your respect?
     The things that earn my respect are people who treat people, regardless of their station in life, with respect and dignity. My life has been blessed with people who are prodigiously talented and accomplished and yet remain humble and respectful. 

5. What's something your friends might see and say is 'so you'?
     SWMBO and I sitting together at the back of the church auditorium and my arm is around her shoulders. My beloved wife and I still love cuddling and holding hands. She so seldom has to open a door for herself that she may have forgotten how. What can I say? I am still so madly in love with her.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.
     Yesterday we celebrated the 35th anniversary of SWMBO's 29th birthday. The day started with a tasteful card in her favorite color, purple. We then went out to breakfast after we dropped the dogs off at daycare. This evening we went out to dinner at the Outback Restaurant. It is one of her favorite places to dine out. All in all it was a pretty fine day. Oh, she also received a small birthday cake, also in her favorite color. 
     It has been my distinct honor and pleasure to have been by her side for the vast majority of her life. Just in case you missed it in the previous question, I am so madly in love with my beloved SWMBO, even after all these years together. 


  1. Happy birthday to your bride! I remember the TV stations signing off the air. It was a problem when I was a babysitter and the family didn't get home until well after midnight. Trying to stay awake without the TV was a challenge. Happy Easter to you both!

  2. Yes, I often remember the days of only 3 television channels and having to get up and change channels! I also remember black and white tv!
    Happy birthday to your beloved SWMBO. She's a blessed woman, and I'm sure she realizes it.
    May both of you trend toward "relaxed" very soon!
    Have a blessed and happy Easter,
    Kathy (Reflections)

  3. You make my life so happy. I’m truly blessed. Our answers were pretty close on some of these. Love you.

  4. Happy birthday to your sweet wife!! I enjoyed your answers and it seems many of us had the same theme to #2.

  5. I remember those days with our TV. Your are a sweet man and Lynn Marie is lucky to have you as her husband. Happy Birthday to her and Happy Anniversary!!

  6. I had to laugh about your "back in my day" memories. I drive a school bus and said something to one of the students today about what school was like back in my day. He asked why didn't I just use my cell phone? I just looked at him and said "Because I am old. Cell phones didn't exist!" He then wanted to know if I rode my dinosaur to school, too? I then shared how my parents had a remote control for the TV...ME!! Can you imagine his reaction if I told him we had 3 channels, one more if the weather was clear, and maybe HBO if we put foil on the rabbit ears and moved them around just so?
