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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


      A few weeks ago I blogged about Christmas. My thesis was that Ebenezer Scrooge had a valid point when he spoke to his nephew of his disdain for Christmas. I spoke out complaining about the rampant commercialism that has come to represent the way Christmas is celebrated in modern times. In response I became founder and president of the E.S.A.S. (Ebenezer Scrooge Admiration Society) I have an official coffee mug.

     On Christmas Eve SWMBO and I attended a worship service at the church building from 11:30 pm, Christmas Eve, to 12:45 am, Christmas Day. I was struck by the simple faith and devotion my fellow congregants displayed on this most holy night. 
     My thoughts soon centered upon our God. It occurred to me that when you look around at the vastness of the universe with its many galaxies strewn across the cosmos you cannot help but awe. I thought that when you consider the precise complexity of the simple cell you cannot help but be impressed by the design and the Designer. I further thought that when you consider that time was created by that same Designer, you cannot help but admire and be humbled by the mind that conceived of the idea.
     When I reflected upon the God who created all that had been created, I was awestruck by the idea that He would enter time in the form of a human child and live a life as one of His created ones. It was like an artist entering into one of their paintings or perhaps a movie maker entering into one of their films and becoming one of the characters. Amazing stuff!
     I am further awestruck at the concept that such a infinitely powerful God would care a whit about human beings, much less experience life as one.
     Even more stunning to me is that this God desires a relationship with us humans. He doesn't force His affections upon us. He gives us the option of freely choosing to respond to His love or to reject it.
     That is what I believe Christmas should be all about! Our God was born to a virgin and her carpenter husband. He lived a perfectly sinless life and was nailed to a Roman cross to die for our sins because He loves us. That is what Christmas is all about! 
     Therefore, despite the fact that it is a good thing to give and receive gifts at Christmas time, that should not be the primary focus of the day.
      In conclusion, I think that Christmas is an amazing holiday for what it says about God and the love of God. I believe that is what should be emphasized and celebrated!

1 comment:

  1. I wish we could celebrate Christmas all year round because He is amazing all year round. I wish that He was emphsized all year round as well.
