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Monday, July 25, 2011


     The subject of prayer is a fascinating subject. At one time or another, everyone prays. There is a saying that there are no atheists in fox holes. I suspect that prayer is the default position for anyone who finds themselves in severe distress such as a parent with a gravely ill child, close friends of a loved one seriously injured in an accident of some kind, a soldier in a fox hole with bullets whizzing by overhead, or family members of a serviceman who are awaiting word of an injury suffered in a war zone. Whether these people are Christians, or not, I respectfully submit that they will pray.
     For the christian, prayer is as essential for a robust spiritual health as eating good food is essential for a robust physical health. Prayer is one of the spiritual disciplines that Christians routinely practice. Prayer enhances our relationship with God.
     Does God really answer prayer today? God most assuredly does answer prayer, even today. The Bible tells us that the God who answered prayers in the Old Testament is the same God who answered  prayers in New Testament times and is the very same God who answers prayer today. 
     I believe that God answers prayer in essentially three ways. Sometimes He says "Yes." Sometimes He says "No." Sometimes He answers "Maybe," "Not Now," "Wait awhile," or some variation thereof. God will never give us anything that is harmful to us. He loves us too much to do that.
      It is never easy when God's answer to prayer is "No." Sometimes it is not clear why God says "No." However, I do know that God is never capricious, mean spirited,  or cruel. I trust Him, and I believe that he has our best interests at heart. The Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans...
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28)
...I take comfort in the fact that God keeps all of His promises and this verse is definitely a promise. So even if we don't see how a "No" answer will work out to our good, we can rest assured that it will.
     Have you prayed today? God would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. The "Maybe" and "Wait" are very hard to handle. I know God has my future in mind but I can't always find the silver lining. Your post was well written and on target. Thank you.
